Top 3 Pizzas at Da Grasso on Polwiejska Street you have to try before you die!

Hidden in a courtyard off Polwiejska Street, Da Grasso is an easy-to-miss pizzeria with amazing year-round promotions. Curious to see if their pizzas match their fantastic offers, we tried a few and came up with our Top 3.

First on our list is the signature Da Grasso pizza, topped with cheese, tomato sauce, salami pepperoni, black olives, fresh rocket, and oregano for 32 PLN. The savory salami and fresh rocket balance perfectly with the rich tomato sauce and cheese, creating a delightful burst of flavors. The 24 cm size being just right for one person.

Second is the simple yet delicious Marinara, featuring tomato sauce, garlic, and fresh basil for only 21.90 PLN. The fresh basil and garlic elevate this classic, highlighting the quality of the tomato sauce. We were also given two free sauces of which we loved the garlic sauce to give it a ping!

Lastly, the Camareo for 41 PLN offers a luxurious combination of tomato sauce, cheese, king prawns, maturing ham, fresh rocket, and oregano. The succulent prawns and ham add a satisfying richness that pairs beautifully with the fresh rocket and tomato sauce.

The courtyard setting is a perfect retreat from the bustling Polwiejska Street, offering a cool escape from the sun. Overall, the pizzas at Da Grasso are excellent, providing a refreshing safe alternative to the ever-popular Neapolitan style, reminiscent of American pizzerias.

With only two pizza spots on Polwiejska, Da Grasso stands out as the go-to place for great deals and delicious pizzas. Be sure to check out their promotions to make the most of their menu! If your eyes are bigger than your stomach then ask them to pack up your left overs and go and watch the football at home.

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