No mercy. No excuses. Throw away the key!

The Devil

The trial of Sierhii T. is one of the most horrifying cases to hit Poznań. This man—if you can even call him that—murdered his wife and two daughters in cold blood in 2023. And why? Because he couldn’t handle being called out for his drinking and laziness. After strangling his wife Julia, he turned to his two daughters, Daria (4) and Maria (1.5). The details of this crime are gut-wrenching. Daria fought, her bones broken in the struggle. And now, Sierhii stands in court, showing no emotion.

The Horror

But the horror doesn’t stop there. He lived with their bodies for days, lying to his 11-year-old stepson that his mom and sisters were in the hospital. Can you imagine the cruelty of that? When Julia’s family became suspicious, Sierhii walked into a shopping center, casually confessing to security that he killed his family. The absolute nerve.

The trial

At the trial, the expert testimony revealed unspeakable cruelty. Little Maria stood no chance, and Daria’s resistance was met with brutal force. The expert made it clear—it takes enormous strength to break a bone, even for a child. Sierhii applied enough to fracture Daria’s arm, leaving her with no hope.

No mercy. No excuses

The fact that this man committed these acts with complete sanity, as the experts concluded, only makes the case more enraging. His cold, emotionless demeanor in court is nothing short of chilling. This trial must end with him locked away for life. No mercy. No excuses.

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