Poznan Daily recently discovered a fascinating personality in Poznan—Brian Tomaszewski, an American professor currently residing in the city who also happens to be a banjo player. His one-man band performances have been creating a buzz in Poznan, prompting us to meet up with him and learn more about his unique story.
Poznan Daily (PD): Hi Brian, where are you from?
Brian Tomaszewski (BT): I’m from Hamburg, New York, a suburb of Buffalo.

PD: What brings you to Poznan?
BT: I’m here thanks to The Fulbright Program, conducting research on the movement of Ukrainian refugees to Poland. It’s a fantastic opportunity since my ancestors once lived in this region.
PD: What’s your profession?
BT: I’m a professor of Geography.

PD: You’ve been here for a few months. What’s the biggest difference between Poland and the USA?
BT: I appreciate the strong family ties in Poland, but people in the US tend to smile more.
PD: When did you first pick up an instrument?
BT: Around 24, I bought a 5-string banjo after being inspired by folk musicians.

PD: A 5-string banjo?
BT: Yes, there’s also a 4-string banjo used more for jazz.
PD: Are you self-taught?
BT: Mostly. There aren’t many banjo teachers around anymore.
PD: You play the guitar and sing too?
BT: Haha, yes! I’m a one-man band, using looping to create a full-band effect.
PD: What’s looping?
BT: It’s building up multiple layers of sound in real time, creating complex arrangements. Ed Sheeran does it a lot.
PD: Where can we catch your performance in Poznan?
BT: Currently at the Dubliner on Fridays or Saturdays. Check my Facebook for updates. And the Dubliner’s fish & chips are delicious!

PD: Most well-known song you perform?
BT: “Shape of You” by Ed Sheeran always gets a good response.
PD: Any Polish songs?
BT: Hej Sokoly always goes down well with the locals.
PD: Would you swap your professor job for music full-time?
BT: I love my day job, but maybe someday!

PD: Banjo or guitar?
BT: I love the banjo, but the guitar is king!
PD: Pleasure meeting you. Random question: Rich professor or poor musician?
BT: Haha, a rich professor, but less so every day! See you at one of my gigs soon!