Start Your Own Pizza Empire: A Low-Cost Game-Changer for Young Entrepreneurs

The Lowdown

Ever dreamed of owning your own business but didn’t want to dive into the deep end? We just came across a serious game-changer for all you young entrepreneurs and families looking to get started—Magic Pizza. This franchise has been growing strong over the past 8 years, and with its first location in Rataje, it now boasts four franchises across Poznań. The mastermind behind it all? Maxym. And trust us, he’s just getting started.

We sat down with owner Maxym at his own Magica Pizza store on 27 Grudnia over their Double Decker Pizza, to dig into why Magic Pizza could be the perfect first business for someone starting out. Here’s what we learned—and spoiler alert—it’s a killer opportunity for anyone looking to break into the restaurant scene without breaking the bank.

The Deal: Franchises Starting at 30K PLN

Yep, you heard that right. Starting from 30-40K PLN, you can open up your very own Magic Pizza. That’s peanuts compared to most franchises, and Maxym is all about making it accessible to folks who want to launch their dream.

We hit Maxym with all the questions you’d want to know before taking the leap. Here’s the breakdown:

What Do You Get for 30K PLN?

Maxym isn’t leaving you hanging after you sign the papers. You get full support, including pizza-making courses, help picking out the right premises, and even guidance with equipment purchases and documentation. Basically, Maxym and his team are with you at every step, from concept to grand opening.

Who’s the Ideal Franchisee?

According to Maxym, Magic Pizza is perfect for a young entrepreneur or family. They’ve already seen success with setups like this, and it works like a charm. “We’ve had young families get into the business, and they’re killing it,” says Maxym. So if you’re new to the game, don’t sweat it—this could be your ticket to the big leagues.

No Strings Attached

Worried about being tied down? Relax. The first three months are rent- and royalty-free. After that, you’ll only need to pay Maxym 600 PLN a month. Compare that to the sky-high monthly fees of other franchise setups, and this starts looking like a steal.

Flexibility Galore

You’re not locked into rigid menus or ingredient lists either. Maxym is down to let you introduce new items or tweak existing ones. He’s even got deals set up with Makro to get you top-notch ingredients at great prices right from the jump. The flexibility here is a major win for anyone who wants a bit more creative control than most franchise models allow although the double decker Margerita pizza is a must stay in my opinion! Thousands of calories in one sitting. Perfect!

Quick Return on Investment

Think you’ll be stuck waiting forever to see profit? Nope. According to Maxym, the last franchise in Piątkowo saw a full return on investment in just 6 months. That’s rapid!

Worst Case Scenario?

We asked Maxym about the risks, and his response was simple: “There isn’t one.” Even if things don’t go as planned, he’s there to help in any situation. If you decide to exit the business, all you need to do is give three months’ notice, and you can sell your franchise to the next person in line. They’ll even pay you back your initial investment. Easy, right?

Big City Dreams?

While Maxym’s strategy leans towards smaller premises (less risk, more reward), he’s open to setting up franchises outside of Poznań, as long as it’s a big city. So, if you’ve got dreams of opening in Wrocław, Kraków, or even Warsaw, this could be the opportunity you’ve been waiting for.

Maxym’s Top 6 Advantages of Magic Pizza:

  • Low initial investment
  • Low monthly costs
  • Personal mentoring
  • Proven brand
  • Discounted delivery app rates
  • Discounted food purchasing prices

Ready to Dive In?

If this sounds like your kind of hustle, hit up the Magic Pizza website and drop Maxym a message. He’s ready to meet up, explain the details face-to-face, and get you set up in as little as six weeks. Oh, and if you bring him a new franchisee who signs a contract, he’ll even slide you 4,000 PLN as a thank-you. How’s that for a bonus?

So if you’ve been thinking about owning your own business, this could be your golden ticket. Don’t sleep on it. Reach out, make moves, and who knows? You could be running the next Magic Pizza franchise in Poznań before you know it. Hot Tip: While your thinking about it, order their Double Decker Margerita pizza. Its nothing like I have seen before in Poznan. Its basically two pizzas on top of each other and with copious amounts of cheese. Delicious!

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