More Red Tape, Less Support. City Authorities Pile On Regulations, Hurting Small Businesses Again

Once again, small businesses in Poznań’s Wilda district are feeling the squeeze as city authorities waste time and money on pointless inspections. Instead of providing real solutions to help these businesses thrive, they’re burdening them with even more red tape.

The City Road Administration (ZDM) and city guards recently cracked down on businesses along Wierzbięcice and 28 Czerwca 1956 streets, removing advertisements, selling displays, and handing out fines—all in the name of “urban aesthetics.” But who’s really benefiting? Definitely not the small shops trying to stay afloat.

These regulations claim to help pedestrians, but instead, they hurt small vendors selling flowers, vegetables, and clothes. Want to set up a simple ad flag? Sorry, not allowed. Yet somehow, restaurant menus are perfectly fine. It’s hypocrisy at its finest, and it’s the small shops paying the price.

The authorities speak of improving the city, but they continue to strangle businesses with endless rules while offering no real support or solutions. These shops need a break, not more regulation piled on them. If the city cared about urban spaces, they would focus on helping, not hindering the people who work hard to make the district vibrant.

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