Lighthearted interview with the ‘Son Of Tattoo’

If you’re looking for a color tattoo in Poznań, then Patryk, also known as Son of Art Tattoo, is a great choice. Although he began his tattooing career in 2019 at the age of 30, he has quickly built a loyal following. We had the pleasure of meeting with Patryk for a lighthearted interview, where he shared insights into his journey and artistry.

Hi. When is the last time you fucked up a tattoo?

Hahaha. Thats your first question? About 2 years ago but I managed to fix it.

Did the client know?

Hahaha. No

Do your friends ask you for free tattoos?

When I first started, for sure. Everyone wanted to help me practice, and I was eager to gain experience, so I did quite a few free tattoos for friends. It was a great way to improve my skills. Now, not so much. My friends respect the time, effort, and artistry that goes into each piece. They understand that this is my profession and that quality work deserves fair compensation. Plus, they know that if they want something truly special, it’s worth investing in.

Does your wife get jealous when you tattoo a pretty girl in an intimate place?

No. She knows work is work. Also, I try to cover up any intimate parts as much as possible to make the client comfortable.

Would you tattoo a Swastika if I wanted it?

No way. Thats going too far! I have my limits

How about for a million zloty?

Ok. Maybe 🙂

Have you ever tattooed yourself?

Sure. Actually my 4 year old daughter practices on me

Should tattoo artists need a license?

I think so. Especially when it comes to sanatory routines.

Can I smoke a joint while you tattoo me?


how about for a million zloty?


Are there any body parts you wouldn’t tattoo?

Directly on intimate parts are a big no no. I hesitate also tattooing peoples faces unless they are a client I know well.

Have any of your clients cried during a session?

No, but it does happen. Ive actually seen men cry more than women!

Can I bring you a design?

Sure, but I will add my own twist to it. I don’t like to copy. In fact I prefer when a client tells me what they want and I start a design from scratch.

Is it true tattoos look better on slim people?

Not necessarily. I’m not so slim myself. Shout out for the fat people!

Can I bring you a design?

Sure, but I will add my own twist to it. I don’t like to copy. In fact I prefer when a client tells me what they want and I start a design from scratch.

Is it true tattoos look better on slim people?

Not necessarily.

Being a tattoo artist is like a sort of super power. If you could be a superhero, who would you be?

Hahaha. I quite like the idea of being superman!

Well its been a pleasure to meet you. Where can people see your designs and reach out for a consultation?

You can check my designs on Instagram and message me there if you have any questions.

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