Historic Moment: Polish Clergy Blesses Same-Sex Couples in Poland

For the first time in Poland, clergy have conducted a blessing ceremony for same-sex couples. “Seeing the joy on their faces, knowing the Church acknowledges their love as a divine gift, was incredibly moving,” said Fr. Michał Jabłoński. He clarified, however, “This blessing does not equate to a marriage ceremony.”

This historic event took place during a service commemorating the International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT). The service was organized by the Warsaw Evangelical Reformed parish in collaboration with the Wiara i Tęcza Foundation.

The service featured songs and readings from the Holy Scripture, with a sermon delivered by Fr. Halina Radacz from the Evangelical-Augsburg Church. Fr. Adam Świeżyński from the Roman Catholic Church also participated in the ceremony, as detailed by Fr. Jabłoński.

A gay couple getting married in Malta

Following a joint prayer, Fr. Halina Radacz and Fr. Adam Świeżyński joined Fr. Jabłoński in blessing ten same-sex couples who were present in the church.

“This blessing is not the same as marriage. It is a way of affirming these couples, showing that their love is as valid and pleasing to God as that of heterosexual couples, provided it embodies responsibility, respect, and joy,” Fr. Jabłoński emphasized.

Initially, some couples had expressed their desire for a blessing, but during the service, others spontaneously joined in, resulting in ten couples receiving the blessing. “The emotional impact was profound. People felt recognized and valued by the Church, with their love acknowledged as a gift from God,” said Fr. Jabłoński.

This groundbreaking ceremony is the first of its kind in Poland, but more are planned for the future. “Our Church does not have a unified stance on blessing same-sex couples. It largely depends on the individual priest’s theology and perspective. Personally, I see no conflict with Christ’s teachings in blessing same-sex couples, but I acknowledge that views among my fellow clergy range from very strict to more liberal,” he explained.

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