The Gruchan

The Lowdown

Poznań Daily recently sat down with a man of legendary status in the tattoo scene, especially when it comes to comic-style ink—Gruchan, owner of Tattoo Zone on Katowicka 81c/107. We dug deep into his wild journey and discovered some of the secrets that make this dude the real deal. Get ready for some laughs, surprises, and a whole lot of Gruchan energy.

Q: Hi bruv. How did you get the nickname Gruchan?
A: It’s stuck since my days in Scotland. My surname is Gruszczyński, and back in Poland they’d call me Grucha. The Scots just slapped an “n” at the end, and yeah, it’s been Gruchan ever since.

Q: When was the last joint you had?
A: Yesterday, after work! Hahaha.


Q: Is it true you have ADHD?
A: Yeah, I was properly diagnosed about a year ago, but I kinda knew something was up long before that.

Q: Anything good about having ADHD?
Hell yeah, tons of energy and ideas all day, non-stop! To chill the brain, I roll with medical weed—definitely helps, but you gotta use it right, ya know? The downside? Starting a million things and barely finishing ‘em ‘cause I’m already onto the next. And don’t even get me started on keeping my convo on track, mind’s all over the place! What really helps is setting up a daily plan, like a mini schedule—it’s a game-changer, trust me.

Q: Bet your fiancée’s loving all that energy, huh? Wink wink

A: Haha, maybe, but too much energy can be a lot to handle. I just like staying on the move, always doing something. And yeah, I get what you’re hinting at… but that’s between us. Wink wink

Q: What’s your current favorite game?
A: Right now, I’m deep into Black Myth: Wukong—solid action, soul-lite combat, super dope. But usually, you’ll catch me on the retro tip, playing old-school games on vintage consoles. That classic vibe just hits different.

Q: Why do you love comic-style tattoos so much?
A: I’ve always been heavy into gaming and comic books. I know my pop culture inside out, especially when it comes to comic art styles—I really vibe with that whole scene.


Q: Go-to game console?
A: Oh man, I’ve got a stash! From the OG Sega to the latest PlayStation. But if we’re talkin’ nostalgia, Sega Mega Drive takes the crown. I still remember booting up Mortal Kombat 2 for the first time—straight fire! I still break it out in the cave now and then for old times’ sake.

Q: I heard you also pimp consoles for people. True?
A: Hahaha, yeah, that’s one of my vices. People send me their consoles, and I upgrade and customize them. It’s fun as hell!

The Kids

Q: Do you have kids?

A: Sure. I have 4!

Q: 4?

A: Yes. I have Rodman my Chihuahua. Mucha my amstaf and two cats Kitty and Gówniak 🙂

Switching gears

Q: Switching gears… can we expect more tattoos on your face?
A: No way, man! Might freshen one up, maybe lighten it a bit, switch the vibe to somethin’ more gentle.

Q: Last time you messed up a tattoo?

A: That was about four or five years back. I did a half sleeve, and the customer wasn’t vibin’ with it after I finished. It wasn’t a total disaster, but it definitely wasn’t my best work. Just a miscommunication, you know? But hey, that was a solid lesson. Gotta reflect on those tough moments and learn from ’em.

Q: Anyone ever cried while getting tattooed?
A: Oh, you know it! Pain don’t discriminate, no matter your size or shape. We all feel it, but it hits different for everyone. It’s all about where you’re getting that ink and how chill you are going in.

Q: Most painful spot to get a tattoo?
A: Ribs, foot, collarbones.

Q: Would you tattoo a Nazi symbol on someone’s face?
A: No way, man. Doesn’t matter where you put it—that symbol’s got some seriously bad vibes.

Q: Even for a million dollars?
A: I’ve got morals, bruv. I’m not a sellout.

Q: What about Crash Bandicoot on my penis?
A: Hahaha, well, that would have to be a big-ass penis to be able to add all the details!

the strangest tattoo

Q: Strangest tattoo you’ve done?
A: Actually, about a month ago, during a wild boys’ night, I ended up tattooing the word “NITO” right between my mate’s balls and his ass. Definitely one of the craziest pieces I’ve ever done! Just wild, man!

Q: What does NITO even mean?
A: It’s a Polish slang thing—short for “it’s not the”—like when you’re talking about a place and saying, “It’s not the balls, it’s not the ass.” Hard to translate, but trust me, it hits different in Polish!

Q: Was it done well?
A: Haha, let’s just say that piece turned out legendary—definitely one of my best and one I’ll never forget!

Q: Can you do a full sleeve in one day?
A: Impossible, man. No way.

Q: Have you ever done mushrooms?
A: Yeah, just once, not too long ago. It was a wild sensory overload! I felt super connected to nature—the trees looked alive, like they were guardians of the place, and the grass felt like it was embracing me. It was a seriously mystical trip!

Q: Can someone be high while getting tattooed?
A: I wouldn’t advise it. Best to get a good night’s sleep, be sober and a solid breakfast before sitting’ in the chair.

5 mins of fame

Q: What was your five minutes of fame?
A: For sure! One of my tattoos actually made it onto the Graham Norton Show in the UK. Rebel Wilson from Pitch Perfect was the guest, and they flashed a tattoo I did of her with the slogan “Make America Eat Again.” The wild part? They called us weeks ahead to ask for permission, but I thought it was a prank! Then, bam—I see it on TV!

The future

Q: Any future plans?
A: Yeah, find some land, build a house, and grow my YouTube channel, GruchanYT.

Q: What’s the channel about?
A: I’m all about those Twitch streams where I break down tattoo critiques. Folks send in their ink, and I give ‘em the lowdown while vibing with the chat. It’s dope to highlight mistakes and chat about ‘em—that’s how you level up, right? Plus, I’ve got a few fresh ideas brewing for the channel too!

Q: How can people submit their tattoos for the channel?
A: Hit me up with two pics of your ink—one fresh and one healed—plus a little backstory on ‘em. Shoot ‘em over to [email protected]. Let’s see what you’re rockin’!

Q: How can people reach you if they want a tattoo?
A: DM us on Instagram. Maybe you want that Crash Bandicoot tat after all? Hahaha.

Hahaha! Thanks, but I’m not sure my penis is big enough for that!

Thats Gruchan

That’s Gruchan, the comic-ink master with mad skills and wild stories to match. Keep an eye on him—he’s one of Poznań’s finest, and there’s no telling where he’ll take his talent next!

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