Tragedy Strikes Again!

In a shocking turn of events, the aftermath of the tragic fire at a tenement house on Kraszewskiego Street in Poznań took a dangerous twist. On Saturday, September 7, the crane being used to demolish the charred building tipped over, narrowly avoiding another disaster. The operator of the machine managed to escape with only minor injuries, but the incident added another layer of danger to an already devastating situation.

The accident occurred just after 11 a.m. during a routine maneuver. According to young asp. Łukasz Kędziora from the Greater Poland police, the crane slipped off a slope while reversing, causing it to fall. Fortunately, the operator got out in time and only suffered minor injuries. An ambulance was called to the scene, but no one else was harmed, and no further damage was caused.

This latest accident comes just weeks after a fire ravaged the same tenement house on the night of August 24-25, killing two firefighters and injuring 11 others. The blaze, followed by an explosion during the rescue operation, shocked the nation. Thirteen firefighters had rushed into the basement to tackle the fire when a powerful blast ripped through the building, tragically killing two of them.

The demolition work began earlier this week as part of the effort to safely dismantle the building, but Saturday’s incident with the crane nearly led to more lives being lost. Thankfully, the street had been closed off, preventing further injuries.

As the city mourns the loss of the two brave firefighters, the close call with the crane serves as a grim reminder of the ongoing risks at the site. While the investigation into the cause of the fire continues, the community remains on edge, hoping no more tragedies unfold in the process of clearing the wreckage.

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