

April 23, 2024

Poczuj: The first florist on Polwiejska Street! We met with the owners.

Hi Daria and Serhii, thank you for taking the time to chat with me today. It’s wonderful to meet with you both. I understand you recently made a significant move from Jezyce and opened your new florist, Poczuj, on Polwiejska 27 Street in March 2024. Could you tell us about the journey that led you to this new venture?

Serhii: Sure. We had the opportunity to move to Polwiejska Street and didn’t want to miss the chance of being in such a great location so we sold the Jezyce shop.

Poznań Daily: What inspired you to open a flower shop?

Daria: Well, flowers have always been my passion. I used to work in flower shops both back home in Ukraine and here in Poznań.

Poznań Daily: What is the most popular flower you sell at Poczuj?

Serhii: Certainly. Our most popular flower is the bush rose. It’s a classic choice known for its beauty and versatility. The bush rose typically features multiple blooms on a single stem, creating a stunning display of color and fragrance.

Poznań Daily: And how long do flowers typically last without water?

Daria: Without water, flowers start to wilt and fade after just two hours. That’s why it’s important to keep them hydrated to prolong their freshness and beauty.

Poznań Daily: Good to know. Now, what’s the craziest flower you have?

Serhii: Without a doubt, the Venus flytrap takes the prize for the craziest flower. It’s a carnivorous plant native to subtropical wetlands, known for its unique ability to capture and digest insects. To keep it healthy, you even need to feed it dried worms! We have some small ones in the shop so you can nurture it yourself and see it grow!

Poznań Daily: Wow, that’s definitely unusual! On a different note, which flower would you say lasts the longest?

Daria: The Chrysanthemum is known for its exceptional longevity. With proper care, Chrysanthemums can remain vibrant and beautiful for up to several weeks, making them a popular choice for long-lasting floral arrangements.

Poznań Daily: What’s the busiest time of year for Poczuj?

Serhii: The busiest times for us are definitely Valentine’s Day, Women’s Day, and Mother’s Day. These occasions see a surge in demand for flowers as people express their love and appreciation through thoughtful gestures.

Poznań Daily: Understandable. And how do your flower deliveries work?

Daria: When we receive an order, we strive to deliver it promptly. To ensure the flowers remain fresh during transport, we place them in an aqua box, which helps to maintain their hydration and vitality until they reach their destination.

Poznań Daily: Do you offer any other special services to enhance the flower delivery experience?

Daria: Absolutely. We’re excited to introduce our latest service, where customers can send us a photo to be printed and included in the bouquet, adding a personalized touch beyond just a written card.

Poznań Daily: Thank you both for sharing your insights with us today. It’s been a pleasure speaking with you. We will definitely be back as a client!

Daria and Serhii: Thank you for having us!

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