

March 16, 2024

Inside newly opened Tygryz: A Chat with Co-owner Gracjan on Food, Friends, and Hard Work

TYGRYZ, located at Ratajczaka 36, is the latest sensation in Poznan’s dining scene, captivating locals with its super popular food-sharing concept and bold flavors. Co-owner Gracjan graciously took the time to chat with us amidst the restaurant’s bustling success while his partner Zaneta was busy in the kitchen. Here’s how our conversation unfolded.

Hi Gracjan. Congrats on your success so far! When did you open?

We opened on the 28th of January 2024 to be exact.

Am I correct you run Tygryz with your life partner Zaneta?

Yes, that’s right. Zaneta takes care of the kitchen, and I handle things out front with the guests.

Is this your first time in gastronomy?

Absolutely. Zaneta though, brings a wealth of experience to the table. Previously, she ran a food truck in Hel during the summers and explored different destinations throughout the rest of the year. Interestingly, our current menu draws inspiration from her globetrotting adventures. Even the choice of cutlery and dishes stems from her creative vision.

You met in Hel which is famous for surfing. Do you both surf?


Whose idea was it to open a restaurant together?

I proposed the idea because I was confident in her exceptional cooking skills, and when this opportunity arose, we decided to seize it! We pooled resources from friends and family, and put in relentless effort to turn our vision into reality. Nearly everything you see here is a result of our own hands and the support of our loved ones and friends. We embarked on the interior design journey from scratch, crafting every detail ourselves.

Is it true that when you opened Tygrys you were broke?

Haha, yes, that’s the reality of starting a business. We invested all our savings into getting Tygryz up and running. What’s even crazier is that on the opening day, we had to borrow an extra 500 PLN from a friend because we realized we forgot to buy some essential ingredients! It was definitely a stressful moment, but all the hard work is finally paying off. The overwhelming response to Tygryz has been beyond our expectations, and we’re incredibly grateful for it!

and the name Tygrys. Whose idea was that?

We used to say Jagryz – Tygryz to each other which means I eat – you eat so it was a no-brainer.

I heard you are especially proud of your crew

True. They are amazing. We didn’t even advertise. They are all friends of friends of friends.

Has anybody complained about the food so far?

It happened once but it’s a long story. You can’t keep everybody happy, unfortunately.

What is your most popular dish?

The Oyster Mushrooms and Pumpkin in Panko.

Describe them in two words

Not obvious and textured

How many hours do you work every day?

Working 14-hour days is pretty standard for us, but honestly, we love every minute of it. Tygryz is like our baby, and we’re fully committed to making it thrive!

You also offer some great wines

Absolutely! Our main focus is on natural wines. These wines are sulfate-free, grown naturally, and unfiltered, ensuring a pure and authentic taste experience.

What is your personal favorite?

Our sparkling wine is awesome!

How about your favorite cocktail?

I enjoy all our cocktails, but I have a special fondness for our signature drink, the Whitejager flower bomb.

It’s been a pleasure speaking with you. One final question. Who cooks at home?

Haha, eating at home? That’s a rare occurrence for us. We practically live at Tygryz, so we end up dining there most of the time. When we’re not at the restaurant, you’ll find us exploring different eateries around town. We’re true foodies at heart!

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