

January 23, 2024

Young people are crawling around shopping malls, even entering refrigerators in Lidl and Biedronka. A stupid new trend on the Internet has started in Poland.

Already in mid-December, the Internet, especially on Tik Tok, was full of recordings showing young people crawling around shopping malls. The “fashion” for crawling was born in Poland and videos are getting 30-40 million views!!!

In recently added videos, you can see that new groups no longer appear only in shopping centers in various Polish cities, but are also more and more willing to choose e.g. Lidl or Biedronka. In Lidl they even get into… refrigerators. The video below currently has over 30 million views.



♬ Pop Out – New Carti

Internet users’ opinions are divided. Some say it’s great “entertainment”, others say it’s complete stupidity, and what’s more, the creeps make the work of people employed in the stores where they appear very difficult. Not only do they disturb other customers, but they also make a mess, for example in grocery stores.

Where did the idea for crawling come from? We are told it has started in Poland.

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