

February 1, 2024

You can now sign up for the 23rd edition of the Poznań Marathon

You can now sign up for the 23rd edition of the Poznań Marathon, which will take place in mid-October. Registration takes place online.

This year’s Poznań Marathon will take place on October 13. There are 6,000 places available in this edition, and the organizers, knowing the popularity of the competition, encourage you to register as early as possible to make sure you do it before the limit of participants is reached.

An additional motivation is the price, which will increase over time. This means that the earlier you sign up, the lower the price of the starter package.

How will the fee change and how much will it be?

– until March 7 – PLN 160
– from March 8 to June 30 – PLN 200
– from July 1 to August 31 – PLN 220
– from September 1 to October 10 – PLN 240
– October 11 and 12 – PLN 270

Prices do not include the Poznań Marathon T-shirt. This can be purchased for an additional PLN 60.

Registration takes place online by completing the form ( here ).

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