

June 7, 2024

Snake found in celery in Lidl

A routine shopping trip to Lidl turned into an unforgettable adventure for a Poznań resident. After bringing home a bunch of celery, she was horrified to discover an unexpected guest hidden among the stalks. The shock intensified when she learned just how dangerous this intruder was.

This story might seem too unbelievable to be true, but it is. The woman brought home a snake with her groceries from Lidl. The incident, which could give anyone a heart attack, was described on the Facebook profile “Poznaniator.”

The woman wrote, “I bought celery at Lidl, and when I was cutting it, a small viper slithered out…” She included photos of the beige snake on her kitchen counter.

The worst part of the story came when she sought help. She contacted the local zoo and animal shelter and was told that the snake in her kitchen was a “viciously venomous species,” specifically a Bothrops.

Thankfully, the Snake Turned Out to Be Harmless

“Neither the police nor the shelter knew what to do. They said maybe Eco-patrol would come, but they didn’t know when,” she wrote.

Eventually, with the help of Eco-patrol officers, the snake was handed over to the Epicrates Foundation. It turned out to be a young Viperine snake (Natrix maura), not a deadly Bothrops. The snake had arrived in Poland hidden in celery imported from Spain.

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