

October 20, 2023

Have you been to Sticky Blenders?

Located a stone’s throw from the Old Square, you may have missed a unique special coffee shop called Sticky Blenders. Alternative coffee is just a small part of what you will find. Owners Wojtek and Damian are revolutionizing nut butter as we know it today. We met with one of the co-owners to ask what it’s all about and how we can get our hands on some.

Hi Damian. What is Sticky Blenders?

Our mission is to introduce natural, unprocessed nut butter to your homes, which are rich in nutrients and lack preservatives. We opened Sticky Blenders to offer our Nut butter in various guises. Everything here has nut butter. We even have our very own homemade nut Granola you can eat here or buy and take home!

What can we use nut butter for?

It’s very versatile. Some customers buy our jars and use them for smoothies at home, cakes, add them to Granola, or simply as a spread on toast. Our Almond butter when added to coffee for example is delicious!

Do you serve such coffee?

We recommend you try our Pistachio coffee. We love it!

Who are the owners?

My friend Wojtek and me Damian. We met while studying in Wroclaw.

Who came up with the idea?

During the Covid lockdown, I was experimenting at home and made some pistachio white chocolate and it sort of started from there.

Your butter texture is very different from the standard peanut butter we normally buy in shops.

Of course! Our butters are 100% natural with no added oils, salt, sugars, or preservatives.

Is it healthy?

Yes. Nut butters are incredibly nutritious and offer plenty of health benefits when eaten regularly. They provide healthy fats and proteins that help keep your energy levels stable throughout the day. Nut butters are also a great source of minerals like magnesium, potassium, zinc, and vitamin E.

How many flavors do you have in your jars?

We have 30 types of flavors right now using seven different types of nuts.

Apart from the jars of nut butter, what type of food can people expect when they come to your coffee shop?

Everything here has nut butter, for example, Pistachio cake, or Pistachio pesto which is savory and great on toast, brownies with cashew butter, and Sicilian Pistachio cannoli are all very popular.

Is there another coffee shop in Poland like this?

We could be the only one!

Is it a long process to prepare nut butter?

It depends on the nut. Hazelnuts and peanuts are very oily so it’s quite quick. Almond and cashew nuts though are not and the process is longer like 3-4 hours. Everything is handmade. Even the jar stickers are added one by one by us.

Apart from collecting them from here, where can people order your jars?

On our website www.stickyblenders.com but we also welcome you to come and try some of our goodies in our coffee shop 23 Lutego 42.

Once we buy a jar, does it need to be in the fridge?

No. Even after opening you can keep them for 60 days outside the fridge otherwise about a year. Each jar has an end date.

It’s been a pleasure meeting you. I love everything at Sticky Blenders but which is your current favorite flavor?

It has to be the Almond and Mango. Delicious!

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