

February 24, 2024

Border Guard Action: Detention and Repatriation of Georgian Citizen with Criminal History

On Thursday, Border Guard officers at the Poznań-Ławica outpost took custody of a 40-year-old Georgian citizen, accompanied by a police application for a decision mandating the foreigner’s return.

“The Georgian individual, recently handed over, has been apprehended twice for driving under the influence of alcohol and has faced multiple detentions for thefts and burglaries. Due to the foreigner’s history of criminal activities and the associated risk to public safety and order, the 40-year-old has been apprehended, and a decision has been issued for their immediate repatriation,” reports 2nd Lt. SG Paweł Biskupik, the press spokesperson for the Commander of the Nadodrzański Border Guard Unit.

“In addition, the Georgian citizen has been issued an eight-year ban on re-entering Poland and other Schengen countries. Presently, the individual will be escorted to the air border crossing for departure from our country,” he further details.

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