

April 25, 2024

Bimba’s Revival: New Owners Bring Fresh Flavors to Poznań’s Iconic Stationary Tram!

Bimba, the iconic stationary tram on Półwiejska Street, is getting a fresh start with new ownership. Over the years, this unique spot has seen various attempts at businesses, from cafes to burger joints, but none have endured. Now, the reins of Bimba are being taken over by the owners of the renowned “Kociak” Cafe in Poznań on Sw. Marcin Street.

Originally transported to Półwiejska Street near Stary Browar in 2017, Bimba brought a nostalgic touch reminiscent of the old tram days to the area. Once a bustling thoroughfare for horse-drawn and electric trams until 1970, Półwiejska holds historical significance, and Bimba aims to revive some of that spirit. For those who don’t know, Kociak was one of the first ever cafes in Poznan since 1962!

The tram had seen better days, gradually deteriorating until the recent change in ownership breathed new life into it. “Kociak” owners shared the backstory, revealing that Bimba was lovingly restored by an elderly rail enthusiast named Mr. Tomek. Despite his efforts, the tram fell into disrepair over time, prompting Mr. Tomek to pass it on to new caretakers.

Now under the stewardship of “Kociak,” Bimba is set for a transformation. The owners expressed their gratitude to Mr. Tomek and their commitment to reviving his dream. With support from MPK POZNAŃ, significant renovations are planned to restore Bimba to its former glory.

Eager to engage with the community, the new owners reached out to Poznań residents for input on the menu. While classics like cakes, coffee, and desserts are a given, they’re open to suggestions for additional offerings. Memories of a hot roll with mushrooms from the past sparked interest, hinting at a blend of tradition and innovation at the revamped “Kociakowa Bimba.”

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