

May 21, 2024

Baby was Born successfully at 29 Weeks in Poznań

At the Municipal Hospital of J. Strusia in Poznań, a premature baby was born successfully at 29 weeks. The extraordinary birth took place after a woman arrived at the emergency room with sudden abdominal pain, unexpectedly giving birth to her son.

Despite the early arrival, the birth proceeded without complications, and both mother and baby are doing well. The newborn, named Tomek, was promptly transported to the Gynecological and Obstetrics Clinical Hospital on Polna Street, where he is under the specialized care of the Neonatology Department.

With the kind of care that we are able to provide today, the majority of babies born prematurely will survive and do well. However, there are risks associated with babies being born between 26 to 30 weeks and, unfortunately, some babies do not survive or can have long-term health problems.

While the mother is in good health, Tomek will need to remain in the hospital for several weeks due to his premature status. The medical staff at the Municipal Hospital of J. Strusia expressed their dedication to providing the best care for their youngest patient, whose early arrival has touched their hearts.

The hospital shared the joyous news on their Facebook page, celebrating the successful birth and the well-being of both mother and child.

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